Advantages of Using Whiteboards
According to research, switching from using chalkboards to usage of whiteboards has many advantages. One advantage which led to the popularity of whiteboards in all sectors of education and the like is the fact that they are reusable and the markings of the whiteboard ink made by whiteboard markers are much more effective and has long lasting duration compared to the markings produced using chalk on the chalkboard. Also, whiteboards are considered to be less susceptible to outside factors like wind and water.
Whiteboard markers are even user friendly because they don’t generate dust, not like chalks, which are messy as they produce lots of dust. And this works well for persons who have allergies with dust and also for those who has breathing problems. Also, whiteboards are comparably cleaner and give clearer presentation of information. Since whiteboard markings don’t create dust, you can use or write on whiteboards without having worries if you have to work near equipment and electronic devices like computer and laptop which are sensitive to dust.
Whiteboards are used not only for writing but also as projecting medium when using overhead projector or video projector. This in turn allows you to annotate, underlining important details and highlighting words and phrases on the whiteboard Adelaide with the use of the marker. Whiteboards have surfaces of high glass that helps reflect the light from the projector much easier.
One benefit that usually comes to mind when using whiteboards is the ease in handling the whiteboard marker. With comparison to chalk, the marker is easier to handle by anyone, even persons with mobility limitations. It will also take much lesser time, pressure, and effort to write information on the whiteboard than what is needed when writing on a chalkboard. This will then also reduce fatigue from the experience of using chalk thus having to write on whiteboards will be an easy task.
An advantage of whiteboard Darwin worth mentioning, especially because we are in the generation where new ways of life and products that are eco friendly are growing in popularity, is the advantage of whiteboard to help save paper when presenting lessons or information. Instead of using paper cutouts or posters as visual aids, make use of the whiteboard as a projecting tool for your prepared presentations. Thus, you make the right choice when you wish to buy products that are environment friendly. There are also various colors for markers that you can use on whiteboards.
Available whiteboards commonly have surfaces which are magnetic that allows you to make use of the whiteboard as a magnetic bulletin boards as well. You just need magnetic objects to pin up important papers or documents that you want easy access to.